Contains Spoilers
Prologue: The Bounty
Chapter 1: The Brawl of Badon
Chapter 2: Neglected Islands
Chapter 3: Coin is King
Chapter 4: The Wall
Chapter 4x: Thunder Down Under
Chapter 5: A Noble Welcome
Chapter 6: Unexpected Treachery
Chapter 7: Jailbreak
Chapter 8: Marquess Marcus
Chapter 8x: Brutal Vengeance
Chapter 9: A Tale of Two Fangs
Chapter 10: Frigid Golgoroth
Chapter 10x: Civil Corruption
Chapter 11: Moorland Maelstrom
Chapter 12: Flurries from the Past
Chapter 12x: Measure of a Man
Chapter 13: Crashing the Coast
Chapter 14: Riptide
Chapter 15: Pallor Mortis
Chapter 16: Algor Mortis
Chapter 17: Rigor Mortis
Chapter 18: Livor Mortis
Chapter 19: Putrefaction
Chapter 19x: Stillness
Chapter 20: Captis Essentia
Chapter 21: Convertere Essentia
Chapter 21x: Teshuva
Chapter 22: Obtestor Corporis
Chapter 23: Vinculum Duas Partes
Chapter 24: Privo Finalis Pax
Chapter 25: Cost and Consequence
The Bounty
Jonas and Luke will join on turn 3
Chadwick, Anthony, Jonas, and Luke can all talk to each other.
There are no rewards, but there is characterization.Chadwick can talk to Alan and Miguel.
There are no rewards, but there is characterization.A home can be visited.
There are no rewards, but there is characterization.
The Brawl of Badon
Defeat Boss
Visit top left village for new character: Ubaldo - Bishop
Visit bottom left village for new character: Keagan - mage
Keagan will join on turn 9 automatically if not recruited.
Top right village gives 1000 gold.
Bottom right village gives a vulnerary and a part one of an ongoing joke.
Failing to kill the boss before the final turn will give a game over.
Neglected Islands
Joins automatically: Arnold - lance cavalier
Visit top village for Steel Lance
Coin is King
Joins automatically: Hannah - Troubadour
Joins automatically: Leif - soldier (do not let him die for big bonus later)
Reid - Archer can be recruited with talk: Chadwick or Hannah
Mikhail - Myrmidon can be recruited with Jonas
Visit right village for Longbow
Visit top village for Elixir
The Wall
Defeat Boss before Turn 17 to unlock side chapter
(can seize safely later).Anni - Pegasus Knight can be recruited with talk (after turn 9): Chadwick, Hannah, Mikhail.
Batta - Brigand can be recruited with talk: Luke, Keagan.
Chadwick automatically gets Lockpick.
Far right chest: Wind Sword.
Mid right chest: Goddess Statue.
Top right chest: Thunder.
Far left chest: Red Gem.
Mid left chest: Mend.
Final left chest: Nosferatu.
Thunder Down Under
Enemies will not attack if you do not leave the room.
Lower right chest: White Gem.
Upper right chest: Eclipse.
A Noble Welcome
Talk to Boss
Visit right village to recruit Ryan - Knight.
Ambush on right and bottom.
Consider removing Anthony's weapons as he will abandon the Black Fang for a while.
Unexpected Treachery
Visit the small hut on the top left with Luke to unlock subchapter.
Recruit Henrietta - Nomad talk: Keagan, Hannah, Anni
(Reid will make hostile).Keagan can talk to Chadwick (No reward, just characterization).
Jail Break
Defeat Boss
Paul - Thief joins automatically
Recruit Vivi - Hexer talk: Luke, Paul
Recruit Tom - Axe Cavalier talk: Chadwick, Luke, Paul, Ryan
Bottom left most cell, bottom right square hidden item: Guiding Ring.
Chest contains Hero Crest.
Myrmidon enemy can drop Rune Blade.
Chadwick can talk to Marek, Luke, and Keagan (no item, just characterization).
Marquess Marcus
Bottom left chest contains Physic.
Middle left chest contains Body Ring.
Top left chest contains Guiding Ring.
Right chest contains Hammer.
Brutal Vengeance
Defeat Boss
Unlock: Finish 4x and visit the house in 6 with Luke.
Talking to Chadwick will end the chapter with a retreat (prevents unwinnable conditions).
Talk to Keagan for Silver Axe.
Talk to Jonas for Hero Crest.
Talk to Cavalier for Elixir.
A Tale of Two Fangs
Defeat Boss
Talk to bottom left mage with Arnold to unlock future side chapter.
Recent patch allows simply combatting the morph with any character to meet this requirement.​
Village contains Barrier Staff.
Can be recruited Achilles - Bard Talk: Ryan, Arnold, Reid.
Vivi and Keagan can talk to obtain Fire Tome.
Frigid Golgoroth
Visit the house with Arnold for future side quest
Recruit Amia - Monk Talk: Hannah, Reid
Recruit "Norris" - Soldier Talk: Chadwick, Anni, Jaci
Recruit Eddie - Fighter Talk: Amia, Chadwick, Henrietta
A mercenary can have his Member Card stolen.
Civil Corruption
Defeat Boss
Unlocked if Paul is alive
Defeat as few enemies as possible for Fell Contract
Alternatively, kill tons of people and you'll likely get a Brave Sword in the end.
Chadwick can talk to every Fang for lore.
Moorland Maelstrom
Maxy - Mage Knight can be recruited by talk with Keagan, Chadwick. Jonas will make hostile.
Boss can drop Orion Bolt if killed. Killing him is optional.
New recruits join automatically on turn 5. Clodagh - Nomad Trooper, Maeve - Archer
Hannah can talk to Clodagh for a free Mend staff
Taking too many turns will lead to extremely high level reinforcements.
Chadwick can talk to Jonas. No item but characterization.
Be careful not to have Leif step on a landmine.
Speedwings can be stolen from top left nomad.
Flurries from the Past
This one is a doozy. Luke, Keagan, Hannah cannot be selected from roster but will show up one turn at a time.
Arnold must trigger two different enemy speeches by fighting morphs to unlock the secret chapter 12x. You must also have followed all other steps in previous chapters (fight/talk to morph in 9, visit house in 10).
Boss will disappear if not beaten in 4 turns. You will miss the Afa's Drops type item Veil's Touch. This boss is very very powerful (but optional due to retreat mechanic).
Hannah can promote with Mira's Hope.
Top right chest contains Silver Sword.
Top left chest contains... broken lance... well, this is where Leif started.
Bottom right chest contains tome Aura.
Delphia can be recruited with Anni, Chadwick, Keagan, Amia.
Luke can talk to Hannah for Torch and characterization.
Measure of a Man
Chest contains Sovereign, a very powerful dragon killing lance
Hidden item right of Jacobi, Baldur's Jest
Chadwick and Luke can talk to Arnold for characterization.
Crashing the Coast
Defeat Boss
This one is especially complicated . The Sentry in the bottom has a talk option. Characters have different interactions.
Most characters must pay 20,000 gold to open the gate.​
Mikhail can get a 10,000 rebate.
Hannah can open it for free AND is gifted a Rescue staff. (The soldier's wife is sick and Hannah is a healer/nurse).
Vivi and Luke will make all green units hostile. Uh, more experience..? ...And a possible brave weapon drop.
Visit the village then visit Sentry for free unlock. And talk to the npcs for a Cursed Doll and dialogue.​
Visit top village to kill Leif.
Amia and Ubaldo can talk for characterization.
If not already, Mikhail can be recruited with Jonas or Chadwick.
Seize the Ballista
There are shops in the ship on the stairs and cabin.
Myrmidon on the right side can drop Hero's Crest.
Relatively straightforward chapter.
Pallor Mortis
Visit village for new unit. Echidna - Hero. (Plus Reid if not recruited previously.)
Talk to Paul for Stiletto.
Talk to Jaci for Elysian Whip.
Optional boss kill for Elysian Whip.
Recruit Spez - Bishop talk: anyone.
Spez talk with Basil, no reward, characterization.
Algor Mortis
Defend (again)
Far Right chest contains Sleep staff.
Far left chest contains Broken Lance...
Center chest contains Hammerne staff.
Left-center chest contains Guiding Ring.
Right-center chest contains Angelic Robe
Chadwick can talk to Ryan for Golden Lance and Blue Gem.
Chadwick can talk to Hannah for Torch Staff.
If not previously recruited Ryan - General can be recruited by talk with Chadwick.
Rigor Mortis
If Niime is alive, she will join you.
Don't worry about defeating the boss, just talk to Z and then talk to the boss.
Watch out for the enemy spawn immediately after.
Livor Mortis
Talk to Vic with Jonas for side chapter later! This will have big consequences.
Top right village is just dialogue.
Chadwick can talk to Vic for Member's Card.
Left village has boots and... William's... niece..?
Recruit Brunnya with Z, M, Paul or Chadwick. Reid will fail.
Defeat Brayden to spawn Astarte - Valkyrie. Can recruit with talk: Spez, Chadwick, Norris.
Bottom village for Fell Contract.
This is the last chapter Leif needs to survive.
Venom can talk to Clodagh to unlock Heartseeker, a powerful dragon killing bow.
Multiple free recruits:
Venom - Wyvern lord, turn 2 ​
Elton - Berserker, turn 2
Vic - Sage, turn 2
Legault - Assassin, turn 2
Cryptus - General or Anthony - Apostle, turn 3.
Miguel won't join but can talk to Chadwick for 1000 gold.​
Save Alan (5 turns)
You can't actually save Alan. This is just to pressure the player (The mission objective will remain but you won't actually fail).
You'll quickly discover it's hard to use magic units here.
Bottom chest Hero's Crest. Thief can steal it.
Top chest Reinfleche (powerful bow).
Hidden shop left of boss needs to be warped to.
Defeat Boss or Talk to Vic
Two options for clearing this.​​
The boss is fairly strong and Jonas will face him alone (at least initially). You can stand down by talking to Vic if it is too much. This is a valid moral option and carries no penalty. Vic will die (but he will leave the Black Fang otherwise).
Chadwick can visit the lower village for Eclipse and to bring Hannah to the map.
Luke can visit the same village for Hannah to join the map, but no eclipse.
The shop on the left sells promotion items.
Visit the bar on the right for a silly scene (if Achilles, Elton, and Batta are alive). Otherwise Niime talks to you.
Top right village M gives 5000 gold.
Mid top village for a talk with Jaffar, no rewards.​
Jolene - Benandanti will join if Achilles is alive.
Captis Essentia
Defeat Boss or Talk to Vaida
This chapter is going to be a nightmare to explain. It's simple to play but there is a ton going on behind the scenes. There are three different intros:
If you did not complete 8x or 19x, Elton and Cryptus die.​
If you completed 8x but not 19x, only Vic dies.
If 4x and 19x were completed, Vic is already gone and the White Fang confrontation with William is avoided. In this route Jonas will receive his personal House Cornwell sword Wingserpent.
Z can approach the Bern forces and they will all stand down once the commander can see him.
Defeating the Sacaean leader will make all Lycians green.
Defeating the Lycian leader will make all Sacaeans green.
Advancing south spawns more Lycians. Advancing east spawns Sacaeans.
Vaida is extremely strong and has her cursed spear. You can simply talk to her to get her to stand down. You can use Z, M, Paul, Chadwick, or Brunnya.
Jonas and Brunnya can talk. No rewards, just characterization.
Venom can talk to Vaida but the chapter doesn't end. Just characterization.
If the boss of 19x was killed, Chadwick can talk to Z for a personal weapon: Erymanthus (a powerful lance).
Convertere Essentia
Chadwick can talk to Legault for a Regal Blade (powerful sword).
Brunnya and M can talk for a Dragon Shield and some bittersweet manly tears foreshadowing.
Echidna and Delphia can talk for a Blue Gem.
Visit village for Berserk staff.
Secret shop in the very top right corner.
Talk to Jonas
This is a shopping chapter before all hell breaks loose.
Visit village to... well it's a surprise.
Talk to every character for dialogue and characterization.
Good chapter to get free supports.
Enemy tents in the bottom can be robbed.
Secret shop in the ruins north of the armory.
Obtestor Corporis
Defeat Four Bosses
Before starting, little tip: Clodagh, Maeve, Achilles, Leif, Jolene, and Niime don't get turned to stone. Everyone else does.
This map is absolutely massive, but you don't need to cover the whole thing. Just go clockwise around the shrine.
If Leif survived until chapter 19, behold your gift.
Talk to units with anyone to remove the petrification. Some characters have unique dialogue. Too many to list here.
Visit the top village for Earth Seal.
Visit the bottom village to get jumped by reinforcements.